Dogs and cats vaccinations in Israel
Israel is situated at the crossroads of 3 continents, and borders developing countries, Thus, there are quite a few vaccinations required for our pets. In this article we’ll review the vaccinations required in Israel for both dogs and cats.
There are four major vaccinations and preventive treatments usually given in Israel.
- Rabies – Israeli dog owners are required by law to vaccinate their companions yearly against the rabies virus. As rabies incidents almost never gets too far from the borders of Israel most of it is rabies free, but there is no such thing as “too safe” when it comes to rabies.
- Hexagonal Vaccine – A vaccine against six different diseases, including Canine Distemper Virus, Hepatitis, Parvo virus and more. This vaccine is also given once a year.
- Preventive treatment against gastrointestinal worms – given as pills, once every six months.
- Treatment against Spirocerca Lupi – Spirocerca Lupi is a roundworm found in Israel which, when ingested, travels in the bloodstream and can cause both traumatic damage as it travels in the body and granulomas in the esophagus. There is no vaccine against it, but dogs are treated against it once every three months.
- Kennel cough – A fifth and usually forgotten vaccination which exist in Israel is the one against Kennel cough. Kennel cough is a viral respiratory disease found in Israel and transmitted through aerosol.
Cats in Israel usually only given the one vaccine – the quadruple vaccine (also referred as the “Core” vaccine in cats) which protects against panleukopenia (feline distemper), feline calici virus, feline herpes virus type I (rhinotracheitis) and chlamydia. Also, is your cat usually goes out by itself you might want to consider vaccinating it against rabies. Both vaccines should be administered once a year.
If we will just follow these rules our pets would be protected from a lot of pain and suffering!